If someone has never smoked cigarettes, it seems likely that they will never get lung cancer. Of course, there are ways to increase your chances of avoiding lung cancer, but even people who don’t smoke can develop the disease. And the incidence of lung cancer in nonsmokers is increasing. To learn how nonsmokers can develop lung cancer, please continue reading below.

Smoking has been blamed for too long when someone develops lung cancer. While this link is significant, studies have also linked exposure to pollutants both indoors and outdoors to an increased risk of developing lung cancer.

What Causes Lung Cancer in Non-Smokers?

However, not every non-smoker with lung cancer will have an identifiable risk, despite SoSDT4Life’s identification of multiple conditions and situations that can increase the risk of cancer.

Passive smoking:

It is well-established that passive smoking, also known as the inhalation of tobacco smoke from smokers who share the space, is a risk factor for developing lung cancer. Research has shown that people who do not smoke but live in the same household as smokers have a 24% increased risk of developing lung cancer.

The radon gas:

Cancer can also be caused by radon gas, which is produced when uranium decays. Radon gas exposure is responsible for about 10–12% of all cases of lung cancer. In addition to this, people who smoke and are exposed to the gas have a much higher chance of developing the disease in comparison to non-smokers who are exposed to the gas. This is because smoking raises the risk of developing lung cancer. It has the ability to rise through the ground and enter buildings through cracks in the structure’s foundation, plumbing, and other openings. Though radon gas is odorless and colorless, it can be detected with home test kits.


It is a substance that serves both as insulation and as a thermal material. The tiny fibers separate from the insulation material and are released into the air that we are breathing into our lungs. Exposure to asbestos fibers can cause lifelong health problems. When workers are exposed to asbestos, the risk of developing lung cancer caused by asbestos is already elevated, and smoking cigarettes significantly raises that risk.


Since not every smoker gets lung cancer, it’s possible that other factors, like genetic susceptibility, play a role in the disease. Studies have shown that relatives of people who have had lung cancer are more likely to get lung cancer than the general population. This is true for both smokers and nonsmokers.

Air Pollution:

Those who are exposed to pollution from cars, factories, and power plants have a higher risk of developing lung cancer. Researchers have found that breathing in polluted air for a long time raises the risk of lung cancer in a way that is similar to passive smoking.


Many patients diagnosed with lung cancer are over 65 years old. But nonsmokers, especially women, can get lung cancer at a much younger age.


Firefighters, railroad workers, construction workers, and people in other occupations who are exposed to large amounts of dust or diesel fumes are at increased risk of developing lung cancer.


The condition of your lungs is affected by your diet as well. Researchers have found a possible association between high glycemic index foods, which increase glucose levels in the blood, and lung cancer. White bread, sugary cereal, white rice, pretzels, and popcorn are examples of foods that could be problematic for your health. Whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, lentils, and the vast majority of fruits and vegetables are all examples of foods that are more nutritious than their refined counterparts.

Is there a significant difference between lung cancer in smokers and nonsmokers?

Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of lung cancer in people who don’t smoke. It usually starts in the bronchioles, which are the parts of the lungs that connect the larger airways to the smaller airways. It is likely that adenocarcinoma will look different from other types of lung cancer. Oncologists often use the image of a bag of white marbles, which represent healthy lungs, and a bag of black marbles, which represent cancer, to explain how smoking affects a person’s risk of getting cancer.

The kind of cancer that people who don’t smoke get is analogous to putting in black sand. It resembles a hazy area rather than a lump or spot. Smokers’ cancer advances more quickly than that of non-smokers, which is another significant distinction.

What can non-smokers do to lower their risk of lung cancer?

There are some risk factors that cannot be changed, including pre-existing lung conditions, prior cancers, and a family history of lung cancer. But SoSDT4Life, one of the top cancer hospitals in China, provides the following advice for lowering your risk of developing cancer:

Check for radon levels in your home once every two years: 

The health departments in your area likely sell radon detection kits at a low cost. You should be on the lookout for radon remediation methods if the radon level is measured at more than 4.0 Ci/L.

Stay away from chemicals that could cause cancer:

The inhalation of potentially carcinogenic substances such as asbestos, secondhand smoke, arsenic, tar, nickel, diesel exhaust fumes, and other chemicals.

Make sure you’re using the proper safety equipment: 

Wearing the proper protective gear is crucial if your job requires you to come into contact with potentially dangerous substances. If you can, take a shower and change out of your work clothes before entering your house.

Technical Expert on Asbestos: 

If you have asbestos and want it removed from your home, you should call a professional.

Treatment for lung cancer at SoSDT4Life:

SoSDT4Life is one of the most successful cancer treatment centers in China, and their therapy has been shown to be successful even in the most advanced stages of cancer. In conjunction with chemotherapy and radiation, it effectively treats lung cancer with minimal to no negative side effects.

While there is no shortage of options for treating lung cancer, choosing the right one depends on the patient’s specific case, including factors like tumor size and stage of progression. But SoSDT4Life’s treatment is meant to kill cancer cells and make the body’s natural defenses against them stronger.