According to studies, the most common form of cancer in male is prostate cancer. It takes place in a small, doughnut shaped gland near the bladder, which is a part of male reproductive system. This gland normally works only during sexual phase of male, i.e. while ejaculation, it secretes a fluid which nourishes and volumizes the semen.

Prostate cancer in most of the cases has no serious harm, but in some it spreads quickly and are aggressive. So, to keep prostate cancer in control, yoga is considered as the best therapy.

As we know, Yoga is an outcome of a combination of postures, meditation, breath control and relaxation abilities. Millions of people practice yoga to relieve stress and improve health. Studies say people undergoing radiotherapy due to prostate cancer are highly benefitted from yoga. During this period of radiotherapy, yoga keeps their urinary cycle, fatigue and sexual life in a top notch condition.

As yoga is a combination of different types of postures and techniques, here are a few for prostate cancer patients to keep them away from side-effects.

Baddha Konasana is the cobbler pose. This pose strongly opens the hip and groin, which comforts the sufferer from urinary disorders and stimulates the blood circulation. Also, good for hernia patients and men going through testicles issues.

Adho Mukha Svanasana is dog facing down pose. An all-rounder pose which stretches all parts of our body and improves immunity, blood circulation, relaxes our mind and soul.

Bhujangasana is cobra pose. This asana stretches, upper part of the body and stimulates male hormonal system by working on their kidney, bladder and sex glands.

Supta Padangusthasana is the big toe reclining pose. It strengthens knees and stretches thighs, groins, calves, hips, stimulates prostate gland and also decreases infertility problems.

Paripurna Navasana is a full body in boat position. This pose relieves stress and aids organs below the abdomen such as intestine, prostate, kidney, etc.

Virasana is hero pose in sitting position. It is a meditating pose done before winding up the yoga session, it calms the mind and digestive fire.