
Patient Stories

The doctors, nurses and other staff at SPDT are very professional and always friendly. They take their work extremely seriously and they are very professional. The care is top notch. Thanks to SPDT therapy and the staff, I feel fantastic today.

Suzana Bazato – Slovenia, March 31st 2020

Good Morning Lucy,

Hope you’re keeping safe during this crucial time. I received a phone call from my doctor this morning regarding my Tonsil Carcinoma PET scan results. I’m in remission, I’m now cancer free. I’m exited and I want to thank you for all the support from Dr. Lee, yourself and all the staff. Thank you so much.

Kevin White, Canada, March 3rd 2020

Primorka has one of the rarest cancers in Slovenia. It is a Cholangiocarcinoma, which is a cancer of the bile ducts. She urgently needs therapies that doctors believe can be addressed.

Suzana Bazato

Suzana Bazato is still at Golden Sand Bay Hospital

It is difficult to accept the fact that you have a serious illness. Even worse is the awareness that treatment options are limited for you. How to remain positive and courageous in the most difficult times, as much as possible, our 44-year-old interlocutor from Vrtojba in Gorizia also had to learn. Her story is riddled with a lot of grief, but she is graced by the kindness of the people who helped her raise money for treatment, and her attitude, which is inspiring.

Sons and Strangers

During the interview, Suzana Bazato tells us that she would first like to convey to her readers and everyone who is following her recovery through our newspaper or social networking sites, thoughts of hope and gratitude. “Because of your article, many people contact me, cheer me up and give me hope, for which I am extremely grateful. In addition to my two sons, colleagues and friends, encouraging words are given to me by people who do not know me at all. All of this gives me additional strength to fight on, though it is not always easy. But I believe in winning,”she emphasized.


Suzana Bazato the Patient's Feedback

                          Primorka said that the healing process is quite difficult, but that she can

She added that some people with similar health problems had also contacted her and asked her for advice. “You know, with a diagnosis like this, but in general, if cancer is rare like mine, giving someone hope is overwhelming – the most. If she could help at least one with her experience to overcome this insidious disease, she would be the happiest person on this planet, “she said.

Outstanding Associates

I would also like to say a few words to everyone who supported her financially so that she could travel to China for treatment. “Most of my money was helped by my colleagues. They are now back in action, as new therapies are coming, for which otherwise money is scarce. They really want her to get well. Anyone who wants to have such associates can have it with them. I’m proud of them. “

“I can’t find the right words to thank. I will simply say: thank you. I am also referring to my fellow citizens, who have also kindly raised funds for me, ”she writes, full of emotion. She also had a short break between two cycles of therapy last week. In addition to SPDT therapy and chemotherapy, she received brachytherapy, during which she had to stay in the dark and be quarantined – without contact. “I was implanted 50 radioactive seeds into my body so that they reached directly into the tumor,” she told us about the healing process.

The Next Step

She is now waiting for another cycle of SPDT therapy, including chemotherapy. Then it would be best for her, doctors told her, to receive immunotherapy called NK-cells therapy. It costs about four thousand euros per entry. She will probably need more, according to doctors’ estimates between six and eighteen. “I should continue this type of immunotherapy in China, because I am not sure if it is available in Slovenia, I am still inquiring about it. Since this is a huge financial pledge for me, I would like to ask the people, your readers, for help.”

If you would like to help Susan, you can do so by transferring any amount to the Red Cross, Nova Gorica Regional Association, 8 Tolmin Punta Street, 5000 Nova Gorica. TRR: SI56 6100 0001 2761 764, Reference: 00 22 31, Purpose: for Suzana Bazata.

– Suzana Bazata, 8th Dec 2019

My dearest friends and family,

My dearest Liz passed away peacefully and painlessly in her sleep this morning … She was with Riley, Jacquie, Kim and me at the time of her passing. We would like to thank the doctors and staff who saw that she was in no pain during her brief stay.

It was 4 years and two months since her initial diagnosis. She was told to “go home and enjoy her family” 2 1/2 years ago. In true Liz fashion she did not accept this, so the fight began in earnest. Over a year was spent in China undergoing a combination of Western and Chinese medicine, which certainly gave her more quality time. This determination saw a good to reasonable quality of life until the end of June. Unfortunately her health deteriorated from that time. She was very grateful that she was able to spend some quality time with the children, grandchild and me.

Love Ray, Riley, Jacquie and Kim – Australia, November 17, 2016

Thanks to you and the China team of great people, we had Gail at least 3 years longer than predicated. If you remember Mum (Dot) she would love to say thank you to all of you girls and nurses and the doctors for taking such loving care of Gail and making her last years hopeful  which allowed her to travel, keep dreaming, and importantly living.

All the best to everyone and good luck to you in the future.

Rosslyn – Australia, November 30, 2016

Hi Everyone,

We lost Gail to cancer yesterday.  She would want me to thank you all for giving her those extra years she would not have had without you.

Philip R – Australia, November 1, 2016

To Lucy and all the team at SoSDT 4 LIFE,

I wanted to thank you all for everything you did for my dad, mum and I while we were with you during dad’s

treatment.  I also wanted to commend you on the amazing job you are all doing and the excellent cancer treatment centre that you have established. The level of care and the commitment to providing the best possible treatment is outstanding.

Your kindness, willingness to do anything you could for us, the extra mile that you all go, to make every guests stay with you as successful and enjoyable as possible, is above and beyond and like nothing I would ever expected to see in a hospital. Going shopping for us in Melbourne and filling your suitcase full of stuff that we and other guests needed, was so generous and kind. Thank you!

The level of care and commitment from Dr Wang and all the other doctors is so reassuring and comforting. At all times the doctors made us feel like Dad was the most important person in the world, always making sure all of our questions were answered and never making us feel like they didn’t have time for us, or that we were an inconvenience. The way the doctors are always brainstorming and working on ways to tackle any patient’s problems is incredible and to see them come up with solutions, where other doctors had failed, is so inspiring and restores my hope in the medical community – which was a little tattered from our experiences at home. They simply will leave no stone unturned when fighting for their patients. They really are outstanding. Their kindness, gentleness, compassion and understanding was always on full display and really endeared them to us. Combined with their fun sense of humour and up beat nature, it made them always a pleasure to be around.

Your VIP service ensured we were never sitting around waiting for tests or results. Everything came so quickly and the doctors always made sure we had copies and understood everything fully – so different to what we are used to.

The interpreters, Claire, Sammy & Polly were a godsend. All 3 were just the most delightful, kind, considerate, lovely girls. And so much fun. They truly made everything easier for us and helped with anything and everything we needed.  Showing us around the city, helping us with the internet, buying a SIM card for our phones, taking us shopping and helping us buy groceries and anything else we needed. Taking us out to dinner, sightseeing and to karaoke. Helping with our visas, travel arrangements, banking needs etc. They just took care of everything. Such wonderful  girls. 

A big thank you for the amazing environment you have created at SoSDT 4 LIFE. The excursions to the zoo, the botanical gardens and other sights. The regular dinner parties that you organise for the guests, like “Roast night”, so that people feel like they have a little bit of home in China. And you always had a cake and party for everyone’s birthday too – so thoughtful! You would always put on an event for us to make our time enjoyable and create a fun, warm and loving atmosphere. Which is hard to do in a cancer ward – but you do it so well.

And finally thank you for your always trying to do better. Your team is always looking at the latest research and science to find better ways to help save your patients lives – and that too is a rare thing to those of us who come from a place where the only options available are surgery, radiation and chemo.  You want to do better and you want to help people and that is so appreciated.  Thank you for everything – you really are an amazing group of people.

Jodie – Australia, September 2015

We have found the standard of care here at the hospital outstanding and on behalf of our family, I would like you to thank Professor Wang and his team for the efforts they have made to solve the problems with Eddie’s lymphoma. Dr Li, and the other doctors have always been kind and supportive and they have made a tremendous effort to ensure that we understand at all times what Eddie’s treatment has involved. As our main contact Dr Li has become like part of our family and we will always be grateful to him. His kindness and care of Eddie has gone well beyond the level of service we would experience in New Zealand. I would also like to say that the nurses have been superb. There are always those who stand out and in particular I would like to acknowledge the nurse whose English name is Helen.

Everyone knows how much we all appreciate Tingting and the new interpreters are excellent too. We have got to know Lily well in a very short time and she has been very kind.

The set up at the hospital where the nurses order a taxi and make sure we know how much it is going to be has kept us all safe and we appreciate that. In particular if there is any way of expressing our thanks to Mr Li, the driver, who has looked after us almost every day we would all be grateful. He has contributed to our stay here and is a safe and courteous driver and very reliable. He is always punctual and generous with his time.

S. McKersey – New Zealand, August, 2011

I don’t know how you did it, but please know how much I appreciate all that went into getting my watch to me. I can only imagine the difficulty that you had at your end to do the many things that were required. My heart is filled with joy because it brings back the hope that Booty and I had while we were living in China, that he might have been able to increase his life span.

I do hope that you, your family, Doctors Wang, Chen and Lee and all the patients are doing well. During this very sad time I think often of living in China. I wouldn’t trade those days for anything. It was difficult but unique and I feel fortunate to have been able to experience a culture that has opened my eyes to how people are all loving and caring no matter where you go.

You were a very special part, different from the medical aspects. You helped us get through very unusual circumstance for Booty during his sickest time. We had wanted more time on earth for Booty, the most time that we could beg, borrow or steal. I believe that we were in the best place to have hope in achieving that. Hope was all we had when we met you and your team.

C. Armstrong – USA, April, 2011

Lucy, would you kindly let Doctor Wang know and thank him and his team for giving us so much extra time. We were always extremely grateful for our time in China.

C.Wyness – Vanuatu, March, 2009

Once again thank-you with my whole heart for what you have done for me up until now and if there are other ways that I can still help (talking to prospective patients etc) or anything else, please let me know as I am happy to do almost anything to make sure other people can benefit like I have.

A. Carty – Australia, September 2006

My wife Wendy fought cancer like a bulldog but early 2015 she was told she had days to live. We found out about SoSDT 4 LIFE from a doctor and we decided that it was our last hope. 

We knew nothing of the treatments offered by the Chinese and to be honest we were rather unsure if they could do anything. We arrived early April 2015 with Wendy weighing 37 kg and looking very ill. Slowly but surely with the team of doctors using a mixture of western and eastern treatments, Wendy started to put on weight, she started to feel better and her tumours were all shrinking.

We spent 17 weeks in China and arrived home with Wendy fighting fit and as healthy as she had been for years.

I’d like to thank Lucy the doctors, nurses and the translators for the care and overwhelming support through our time with them. For those wanting a chance at getting life back I would recommend SoSDT 4 LIFE without hesitation.

There’s no sure thing in life, but I have learnt that never giving up combined with lifestyle changes and with the right team behind you – miracles can happen

There will be those who say – but Wendy passed away – and yes she did leave this world, but I blame her hatred of the ileostomy bag for her downfall. She was told to leave it on for 5 years but she couldn’t stand it anymore and after going against most doctors advice she found a doctor willing to reverse the bag and that started the spread of cancer once again and this time with no way of reversing the dreaded disease. 

I am more than happy to share my experiences with anyone willing to hear our story, just contact Lucy and she will pass on my number.


Anthony Petrovic  – Australia, November 26, 2016

Sitting on my bed with only 2 more hours left in this hospital makes me a little emotional. Jordan has been through so much in this hospital and the team here are just absolutely amazing.

Thank you to Dr Lu, Dr Li, Delia, Sammy, Tiana, Limi and all the nurses who have helped with Jordan’s journey here at SoSDT 4 LIFE.

I’m happy that we’re almost due back home in a few days but being here for 4 months really does something to you. It’s not like a holiday where you love the place you’re at and never want to leave just cause it’s a holiday. I am honestly really going to miss this place and the people. We’ve made Dongguan and Guangzhou our home and it’s going to be really hard packing up and leaving our home. Anyway, with only two hours left here at the hospital, I’d better get up, get ready and start packing everything.

Thanks for everything Golden Sand Bay Hospital

Lenae  – Australia, October 24, 2016

After much discussion with staff and associates at the hospital, to read this brings tears to my eyes, recalling how passionate I am about a holistic approach to cancer treatment. To now read that a program encompassing so many aspects of a holistic approach will be implemented leaves me feeling such happiness and shows that you really do care about your patients who travel so far and wide to find hope, competent care and advanced treatment protocols. I commend you all and greatly miss your compassion and professional counsel.

Please continue to ensure that this program and the hope you offer so many flourishes. Take care all of you there and may God watch over you and what you are achieving – for all of your never ending hard work that makes our lives better, patients and their loved ones included.

Holistic care is imperative when treating cancer patients and it is so good to see that this will be available with in the halls of your hospital in Guangzhou, China. This is that place to go to for help to make inroads into this insidious disease and fight the good fight against it.

Cancer treatment is about – or should be about – holistic care. It can’t all be about radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgical intervention. There is so much more available if you research, ask questions and yes demand it!

I personally advocate for SoSDT 4 LIFE and the team in China who offer this program. Any questions – ask me. My son has lived it here for 4 months. To be told in my country that there is nothing more that can be done for you is a crock of sh#@!

Get out there and look outside the box. Something is better than nothing. We now have hope and where there is hope there is more that can be done.

Lucy Li and her team of doctors really make you feel like they are fighting for your life as an individual and I endorse this whole-heartedly 100%. What are you waiting for – as time is of the essence? Just go for it, it can’t hurt, it might just make a difference for you and your circumstances.

We cannot thank the team here in China enough for the amount of times you have saved Jordan’s life. Without the incredible protocols here for cancer treatment and the expertise of our medical team, Jordan was faced with a much shorter life span. 

I encourage anyone faced with a cancer diagnosis or standing in the wings feeling helpless to save their loved one, to look outside the box. Always do your research and don’t take no for an answer – as help is out there. I know because my son Jordan is living proof.

Dianne – Australia, October, 2016



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